Why We Need to Observe Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month

Every time someone with diabetes checks their blood sugar to ensure that it is in the normal range, they are also protecting their eyesight. Uncontrolled blood sugar can harm a number of organs in the body, including the eyes.  The American Academy of Ophthalmology encourages people with diabetes to take proactive steps to protect their… Read More

It’s About More Than Costumes During Halloween Safety Month

Halloween can be a fun time for people of all ages! Maybe you don’t eat candy, but dressing up is always fun. Halloween is a great excuse for adults to put on costumes, wigs, and makeup to try out a different look. But sometimes cosmetic changes, even if temporary, can cause permanent damage to your… Read More

Follow These 8 Suggestions During Healthy Aging Month

The eyes provide insight into your overall wellness and reveal health problems that might otherwise be overlooked. The American Academy of Ophthalmology celebrates Healthy Aging Month in September. Keep reading to learn eight suggestions to follow during Healthy Aging Month! 1. Schedule an Annual Eye Exam Routine eye exams are essential for maintaining the health… Read More

Why Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month is So Crucial

Protecting your vision and your child’s vision should always be a priority. August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month, and the American Academy of Ophthalmology has information to help you and your child experience clear vision for years to come. Even if you’re thinking about starting a family, it’s never too early to begin…. Read More

What Can You Do For Happy, Healthy Eyes This UV Safety Month?

July is UV Safety Month. The American Academy of Ophthalmology is the world’s largest association of eye doctors and surgeons. This month and every month, the AAO wants you to do all you can to preserve your eyesight. July is a great time to take these six steps to protect your eyes from the sun’s… Read More

12 Instructions to Follow During Fireworks Eye Safety and Cataract Awareness Month

June means summer. School’s out, and warm weather promises new adventures!  According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, June is also Fireworks Eye Safety and Cataract Awareness Month. As you plan your Fourth of July celebrations, use this list to maintain your visual independence.  Take charge of your eye health, from fireworks injury prevention to… Read More

What Can You Do During Healthy Vision Month?

May is Healthy Vision Month, but there are plenty of things you can do to have healthy vision all year long. Your eyes need care in order to continue helping you see the best you can.  Older adults especially should be aware of the risk of age-related eye diseases, as many can lead to permanent… Read More

Follow These Recommendations During Sports Eye Safety Month

April is Sports Eye Safety Month, but sports eye safety is important to practice all year long. Whether you’re a professional athlete or just play for fun, it’s essential to always keep safety at the forefront of your mind. It’s also important to emphasize safety to your children if they participate in a sport. Eye… Read More

How to Know if Your Eyes are Safe During Workplace Eye Wellness Month

March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month, making it an excellent time to assess how healthy and safe your eyes are while working. When most people think about eye health in the workplace, the first thing that comes to mind is jobs that require hard hats and safety goggles. It’s true that people who have labor-intensive… Read More

4 Tips to Follow During Age-Related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month

In February, the American Academy of Ophthalmology observes Age-Related Macular Degeneration Month. Also called AMD, this eye condition is common in adults over 60. It can cause significant visual problems. As with many age-related eye conditions, it’s essential to understand the disease and know your risk. Most importantly, always have regular eye exams to detect… Read More